Tag Archives: cloudy

The Moments I live for ~ Take 2

Joseph/ April 30, 2012/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Yesterday evening, we had another of those rare and lucky moments of weird lighting. Here goes the result. I fully understand if you find it hard to believe that this scene actually occurred for real. It’s no wonder that everyone who happened to be in college at the time could not help but pause and take in the moment –

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The Moments I live for

Joseph/ April 29, 2012/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Recently, the weather has been acting quite strangely, with instances of heavy rain followed by brief spells of sunshine, in turn occasionally leading to the fairly surreal experience of simultaneous rain and sunshine (although mostly, it has been just raining). This picture was snapped right at the time when one such swift change in weather conditions occurred. Initially, it looked

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