Tag Archives: street photography

Sunday afternoon in Prenzlauerberg

Joseph/ March 2, 2014/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

As I mentioned in my previous post, lately I have returned to shooting street photography with the trusty 50mm f/1.4 lens. For a long time, I went about using three other lenses, often referred to as the ‘holy trinity’ of f/2.8 lenses. I’m talking about the Nikkor 14-24mm wide angle lens, the 24-70mm mid-zoom, and the 70-200mm telephoto. The wide-angle

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Once upon an afternoon in Cornmarket Street…

Joseph/ February 20, 2012/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

So, this week I shall aim to upload a picture every day – all snapped in Oxford. Here goes the first one; I had not been up to any candid street photography in ages, so it felt good to give it a shot after so long. I hope you enjoy the picture. Have a good start to the week!


Joseph/ July 12, 2011/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

So, lately I have been doing more street photography. When I get some time these days, I head out for a walk in the city centre simply to take pictures of life as it unfolds. And when you stay in a corner for hours on end, silently observing people as they hustle and bustle through a busy street, you start

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