Tag Archives: Tom Quad

The “Last” Oxford Picture

Joseph/ October 5, 2012/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

How many experiences this place has brought to me! How many challenges, opportunities, hurdles, and fun. The last three years in Oxford have quite simply been some of the best of my life – and scribbling these few words conjure up the warmest of memories – and I haven’t even left yet! It is a strange place, Oxford. You arrive

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Oxford Rainbow

Joseph/ October 3, 2012/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

This afternoon a splendid rainbow appeared in the sky as the sun set in the West and shone through a break in the clouds whilst it was raining. Not only was it a fine rainbow, but a double one at that! (Hopefully I will find some time to upload more pictures showing the second order soon.) I could have missed

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Reflecting on a Dream

Joseph/ May 28, 2012/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

I’m convinced that I could stay in this place forever and still be exhilarated by new sights every day. Here’s the latest snapshot of our college; one that I had in mind ever since I came to Oxford, but which for some reason or other never quite had the opportunity to capture as I wished – until last Saturday, that

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The Moments I live for ~ Take 2

Joseph/ April 30, 2012/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Yesterday evening, we had another of those rare and lucky moments of weird lighting. Here goes the result. I fully understand if you find it hard to believe that this scene actually occurred for real. It’s no wonder that everyone who happened to be in college at the time could not help but pause and take in the moment –

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The Magic of Christ Church

Joseph/ August 19, 2011/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

It is perhaps quite ironic that very often I realize what a privilege it is to be studying at this place only when I’m looking at the pictures. And that always reminds me that sometimes we forget how lucky we are.

The Great Hall

Joseph/ August 13, 2011/ Uncategorized/ 1 comments

Seeing that currently there’s so much excitement about the last Harry Potter movie I thought I’d upload an appropriately themed picture of the Great Hall of Christ Church, the interior of which was replicated in studio for the shooting of the films.

Majesty at Night

Joseph/ May 15, 2011/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

It is 1am. You are tired and about to leave for home. But when you’re met with such a scene (and you also happen to suffer from the condition known as obsessive photographic disorder) you simply sigh and resign to the calling. You slowly take out your camera and the reluctant side of you tells you that you’re crazy because

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Golden Walls

Joseph/ March 28, 2011/ Uncategorized/ 1 comments

I snap enough photos of Christ Church as it is. But then light up the place with breathtakingly warm sunlight and it suddenly seems like new life has been breathed into the ancient walls as they glow with the most golden of colours. And it is on such occasions that I find myself wondering how the good, old college members

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Fiery skies.

Joseph/ February 14, 2011/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Sometimes you look in old folders on your computer and come across pictures which you had taken and eventually completely forgotten about. And when that happens, you can’t help but ask yourself why you didn’t upload that picture before. Here is a picture from a couple of weeks ago which I think has enough merit to be uploaded. It reminds

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