The hidden side of Christ Church

Joseph/ July 4, 2011/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Here are some pictures of the hidden side of Christ Church – the parts of college that are closed to the public (and for the most part to members of the college too). These pictures were taken during a recent insider’s tour of college. This collection of twelve images which I truly treasure should help you get an idea of what the old, hidden parts look like – from the wine cellars beneath the buttery to the door that inspired Lewis Carroll in his story of Alice and from the ancient kitchens to the top of Tom Tower, the stairs to which were so cracked that only three people were allowed to go up, all the time making sure that the middle parts of the steps were not trodden upon. I take the opportunity to thank all those present who agreed to send me up to take pictures for all to view afterwards. I hope you all enjoy what I have recorded here.

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