
Joseph/ May 5, 2013/ Uncategorized/ 1 comments

It’s been a while since I posted a somewhat graphical or semi-geometric photo to this blog, so here goes one. This was taken this afternoon while strolling around Berlin with a friend. Both of us were looking for picture opportunities. The first thing that captured my attention was the architectural detail in the background, which, by the way, really is a tiny detail of a much larger structure. (Berliners, this is your chance to shine and try to identify the place.) However, I felt that the image would benefit from a human element. So we waited, and then some. The main problem was that boats kept coming in the way (there goes a big hint for those who are still guessing where this photo was captured). So quite a few opportunities were lost, until this guy came along while the view was clear, and not only did he pass by, but he also did a couple of stunts while he was at it. So, for the budding photographers out there: keep in mind that patience is a big part of the game.

Oh, and speaking of patience and waiting, this one might remind you of this picture I had taken quite a while ago. Consider it a slightly more modern take!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend – and I wish you a great week ahead!

1 Comment

  1. Am I allowed to guess? Still can’t believe you got this shot. It awesome how you catched him in that very second. Like the crop you chose as well. It was fun shooting together. xx

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