Tech skills practice dive

With such beautiful weather the water simply begs for a dive.  So yesterday afternoon I joined Denis Marin for a dip at Xwejni bay, both of us having the sole intention of practising tech skills (valve shutdown procedures, regulator exchange, buoyancy checks, etc.) and tweaking our equipment configuration.

The inviting waters at Xwejni bay

I’m firmly of the opinion that one should never stop reviewing their setup and trying to improve it, however small the required changes might be.  A lovely bay such as Xwejni Bay is perfectly suited to this purpose!

Putting on the dive computer shortly before heading down to the water.

Air temperature was a balmy 18degC, which meant that while we weren’t sweating profusely, it was certainly feeling toasty in the drysuit!  We stayed very shallow with maximum depth being 8m, and the bottom temperature was a relatively warm 16degC, but the dive was a relatively long 93mins one, so we certainly cooled down by the end and were very thankful to being in drysuits!

Shore entry at Xwejni Bay. Denis looks on in full concentration mode while I put on the gloves.

We spent most of the dive hovering at various depths, paying close attention to trim.  We identified a number of things that can be adjusted and refined for our next dive, so this was a very useful exercise and certainly one that I highly recommend all divers to carry out on a regular basis.

Until next time, happy and safe diving to all!

Dive Log Info
Date: 04/03/2017
Site: Xwejni Bay
Time in: 13:32
Time out: 15:35
Runtime: 93mins
Max Depth: 8m
Bottom Temperature: 16ºC
Visibility: Very good

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