Here go a few pictures from a recent dive at the Inland Sea. Guess what? A recreational dive conducted in wetsuit! Yes, it’s that hot again.
Unfortunately time is a bit lacking at the moment, so this post will be a very short one and I will leave you with the pictures, which I hope you’ll enjoy! I am also including a short video clip that gives an overall impression of the dive.
Happy & safe diving!

Dive Log Info

Date: 21/06/2017
Site: Inland Sea Tunnel
Time in: 13:49
Time out: 14:48
Runtime: 59mins
Max Depth: 17m
Max TTS: 5mins
Bottom Temperature: 23ºC
Visibility: Very good
Site: Inland Sea Tunnel
Time in: 13:49
Time out: 14:48
Runtime: 59mins
Max Depth: 17m
Max TTS: 5mins
Bottom Temperature: 23ºC
Visibility: Very good