STEM Career Stories 2022

STEM Career Stories 2022

In January 2022, Esplora (within the Malta Council for Science and Technology) organised ‘STEM Career stories’, where a series of 10 stories were read to school students online. It was an opportunity to bring the students in touch with STEM professionals in various fields. I had the pleasure to participate in two of these events on the 19th and 25th of January . The story that was read to the students…

Discussion with students about astronomy and working in science

Discussion with students about astronomy and working in science

Today we had a very interesting online workshop with students (13 – 19 years old, both from Malta and abroad) as part of ESPLORA’s “Catch Them Young” programme, itself part of Project RAISE (Raising Awareness and Interest in STEAM Employment). The most interesting part – as is often the case – was the time when the students themselves asked their questions. In a time of pandemic, many schools have missed out on…

Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction

Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction

On this page you may find some information about the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on the 21st of December, 2020, including some visuals and videos created with Stellarium showing the view of the sky; these include views over the past few days up to (and beyond) the 21st of December, and of historical occurrences of the same phenomenon. This event has caught the attention of many, and has been mentioned a lot in the…

Feedback document on draft guidelines for the reduction of light pollution

Feedback document on draft guidelines for the reduction of light pollution

Recently, the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) and the Planning Authority (PA) published draft guidelines for the reduction of light pollution. As part of the public consultation process, a feedback document was prepared and submitted on behalf of the Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Group within the Institute of Space Sciences and Astronomy. This document can be accessed by clicking here.